I want to migrate to Aurora but I chose MariaDB. What now?

21 November 2023

We all have been there. Well, not exactly, some of us planned ahead to keep the options open. But we all feared Oracle and wanted to jump to MariaDB. And now we learned about all the benefits of Aurora and we are still on this RDS, the button for "Create Aurora Read replica" is not appearing anywhere in the console. Ok, let's do it with two steps.

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Creating a new MariaDB instance

So for our testing we will build two databases. One will be our MariaDB source database that will act as the mock production. We will also have MySQL 5.7 to which we will migrate. We can use simple SQL dumps as they are mostly harmless compatible but let's go with AWS DMS so we get some assurance.

First we will define MariaDB single instance in Terraform. In this step you can also define a management instance that will act as a bastion if you don't want to expose the database to the public. In the repository the code for the instance is included. To have better control over the instance we will also use Secrets Manager to store the password. In CloudFormation it is possible to generate a password directly from Secrets Manager but in Terraform I didn't find this functionality. Therefore I will use HashiCorp's random provider to get a random password.

# For convenience, I will already create also password for target MySQL.
locals {
  databases = toset(["MariaDB", "MySQL57"])

resource "random_password" "passwords" {
  for_each = local.databases
  length   = 24
  special  = false

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "creds" {
  for_each    = local.databases
  name        = "${each.key}Credentials"
  description = "Credentials for the ${each.key}"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "creds" {
  for_each  = local.databases
  secret_id = aws_secretsmanager_secret.creds[each.key].id
  secret_string = jsonencode({
    username = lower(each.key)
    password = random_password.passwords[each.key].result

I will be defining my database in a new VPC and private subnets. But it's up to you. We will also create outputs for the endpoint and password so we can use them later to fill the DB with data. I will define subnet group with all AZs in eu-west-1 and allow all traffic from the VPC CIDR block. For the future DMS requirements, we will also change some binlog settings in a new parameter group. If you happen to create parameter group later, remember to reboot the MariaDB instance manually!

resource "aws_vpc" "production" {
    cidr_block = ""
    enable_dns_hostnames = true
    enable_dns_support = true

resource "aws_subnet" "production" {
  count             = 3
  vpc_id            =
  cidr_block        = "10.6.${count.index}.0/24"
  availability_zone = join("", ["eu-west-1", ["a", "b", "c"][count.index]])

resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "MariaDB" {
  name       = "mariadb"
  subnet_ids = aws_subnet.production[*].id

resource "aws_security_group" "MariaDB" {
  vpc_id =
  ingress {
    from_port   = 3306
    to_port     = 3306
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [aws_vpc.production.cidr_block]

resource "aws_db_parameter_group" "MariaDB" {
  family = "mariadb10.6"
  name   = "mariadb-custom"
  parameter {
    name  = "binlog_format"
    value = "ROW"

  parameter {
    apply_method = "pending-reboot"
    name         = "binlog_checksum"
    value        = "NONE"

  parameter {
    apply_method = "pending-reboot"
    name         = "binlog_row_image"
    value        = "FULL"

resource "aws_db_instance" "MariaDB" {
  engine                  = "mariadb"
  instance_class          = "db.t2.small"
  allocated_storage       = 20
  storage_type            = "gp3"
  engine_version          = "10.6"
  db_subnet_group_name    =
  publicly_accessible     = false           # Change this if you like
  backup_retention_period = 3
  password                = random_password.passwords["MariaDB"].result
  username                = "mariadb"
  vpc_security_group_ids  = []
  parameter_group_name    =

output "mariadb-endpoint" {
    value = aws_db_instance.MariaDB.address

output "mariadb-password" {
  value     = random_password.passwords["MariaDB"].result
  sensitive = true

Creating the instance might take terribly long time, so be patient. After 10 minutes or so you can connect to your instance. Use output values to get the connection string. Use terraform output -raw mariadb-password to get the password that you can use to connect to the database.

$ sudo yum install -y mariadb105
$ mysql -umariadb -P3306 -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 71
Server version: 10.6.14-MariaDB-log managed by

Generating the data

We will create a Python script that will create random data that will create an SQL file to load. This will be simpler than connecting to the DB and installing all the PIP packages.

But first let's make an example schema that will be a bit complex so that we can benchmark DMS possibilities.

USE `gamers`;
CREATE TABLE `players` (

CREATE TABLE `games` (
    user1 INT NOT NULL,
    user2 INT NOT NULL,
    score1 INT NOT NULL,
    score2 INT NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE `friend_requests` (
    user1 INT NOT NULL,
    user2 INT NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT UNIQUE KEY (user1, user2)

CREATE TABLE `friendships` (
    user1 INT NOT NULL,
    user2 INT NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT UNIQUE KEY (user1, user2)

CREATE PROCEDURE AcceptFriendship(IN userA INT, IN userB INT)
    INSERT INTO friendships (user1, user2) VALUES (userA, userB);
    INSERT INTO friendships (user1, user2) VALUES (userB, userA);
    DELETE FROM friend_requests WHERE user1 = userA AND user2 = userB;
END //

Put the above code into schema.sql file and apply it to MariaDB.

$ cat schema.sql | mysql -umariadb ... -p

Now as we know our schema let's do some Python script that will fill it up with data. We don't need to use stored procedure but why not. Let's test it to accept half of the friend requests.

import requests, random

names = requests.get(RANDOM_NAMES).text.split("\n")

USER_COUNT = len(names)

with open("data.sql", "w") as f:
    f.write("USE gamers;\n")
    for i in range(USER_COUNT):
        f.write(f"INSERT INTO players (name) VALUES ('{names[i]}');\n")
    for i in range(GAME_COUNT):
        user1 = (i + 123) % (USER_COUNT - 1) + 1
        user2 = (i + 345) % (USER_COUNT - 1) + 1
        score1 = random.randint(0, 100)
        score2 = random.randint(0, 100)
        f.write(f"INSERT INTO games (user1, user2, score1, score2) VALUES ({user1}, {user2}, {score1}, {score2});\n")
    for i in range(FRIEND_REQUESTS):
        user1 = i + 1
        user2 = FRIEND_REQUESTS + 101 + i
        f.write(f"INSERT INTO friend_requests (user1, user2) VALUES ({user1}, {user2});\n")
    for i in range(FRIEND_ACCEPTS):
        user1 = i + 1
        user2 = FRIEND_REQUESTS + 101 + i
        f.write(f"CALL AcceptFriendship({user1}, {user2});\n")

Now the file should be executed the same way as schema by piping it to the MySQL client. After two minutes we will have a database that is ready to be migrated.

Creating MySQL target

Next we will create the target MySQL instance. For full Aurora compatibility we will use MySQL 5.7. For simplicity, let's put the instance in the same VPC and use the same security group.

resource "aws_db_instance" "MySQL" {
  engine                  = "mysql"
  instance_class          = "db.t2.small"
  allocated_storage       = 20
  storage_type            = "gp3"
  engine_version          = "5.7"
  db_subnet_group_name    =
  publicly_accessible     = false           # Change this if you like
  backup_retention_period = 3
  password                = random_password.passwords["MySQL57"].result
  username                = "mysql57"
  vpc_security_group_ids  = []

output "mysql-endpoint" {
    value = aws_db_instance.MySQL.address

output "mysql-password" {
  value     = random_password.passwords["MySQL57"].result
  sensitive = true

We will also prepare the Secrets Manager secrets for DMS so that it can be easily attached. For that we will crete a new secret version but it will contain the same password. It will be just dependent on created instances.

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "updated-mariadb" {
  secret_id = aws_secretsmanager_secret.creds["MariaDB"].id
  secret_string = jsonencode({
    engine   = "mariadb"
    username = "mariadb"
    password = random_password.passwords["MariaDB"].result
    host     = aws_db_instance.MariaDB.address
    port     = aws_db_instance.MariaDB.port

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "updated-mysql" {
  secret_id = aws_secretsmanager_secret.creds["MySQL57"].id
  secret_string = jsonencode({
    engine   = "mariadb"
    username = "mysql57"
    password = random_password.passwords["MySQL57"].result
    host     = aws_db_instance.MySQL.address
    port     = aws_db_instance.MySQL.port

Migrating with DMS

We have almost everything prepared. We now need to just create a DMS instance that will migrate our data from MariaDB to MySQL.

First of all, we have to create an IAM role that will let DMS access Secrets Manager. Next we will create endpoints for source MariaDB and target MySQL. Finally, our we will create the instance.

I won't put the whole IAM config in here. The role requires access to both secrets with secretsmanager:GetSecretValue and the principal has to be regional DMS endpoint, in my case We also need another role that will be used by DMS to create stuff in the VPC. This time we won't attach the role but name it appropriately dms-vpc-role with AWS managed policy service-role/AmazonDMSVPCManagementRole. This time the principal will be just

The endpoints will look like this for MariaDB. Target will look very similar, just change endpoint_type and parameters and add extra_connection_attributes with value Initstmt=SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;.

resource "aws_dms_endpoint" "source" {
  secrets_manager_access_role_arn = aws_iam_role.DmsRole.arn
  secrets_manager_arn             = aws_secretsmanager_secret.creds["MariaDB"].arn
  endpoint_type                   = "source"
  engine_name                     = "mariadb"
  endpoint_id                     = "mariadb-source"

The instance should be attached to any subnet in our VPC and it also requires security group. It is recommended to put the instance in a private subnet where the target database is located. However, as the demo database is tiny, I will just put it wherever by selecting the first one. It's also important to provide VPC endpoint if you are using private subnets. Otherwise the instance will not even come up. The service name in this region will be Another one that is required is otherwise we won't get any connection working. Remember to enable private DNS names for both.

# Skipped IAM, VPC Endpoint and VPC Endpoint Security Group

resource "aws_dms_replication_subnet_group" "subnets" {
  replication_subnet_group_id          = "dms-subnets"
  replication_subnet_group_description = "DMS Subnets in Production VPC"
  subnet_ids                           = aws_subnet.production[*].id
  # Needs to be created after the role
  depends_on                           = [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.dms-vpc-policy]

resource "aws_security_group" "DMS-SG" {
  name   = "DMS-SG"
  vpc_id =
  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

resource "aws_dms_replication_instance" "instance" {
  replication_subnet_group_id =
  replication_instance_class  = "dms.t2.micro"
  allocated_storage           = 20
  engine_version              = "3.5.1"
  vpc_security_group_ids      = []
  replication_instance_id     = "dms-instance"
  depends_on                  = [aws_vpc_endpoint.dms-endpoint]

Starting replication

For our convenience we will just use AWS console to create replication task. Go to DMS console, select "Database Migration Tasks" and "Create task". Select created endpoints and instance. I will select full load and CDC mode.

Migration tasks

Create task

DMS task settings

Let's also use some other features. I selected full LOB mode (even though we don't have any LOBs). Turn on CloudWatch logs but use default settings in here. In "Table mappings" add a new rule that will use wildcard (%) - migrate all data.

Table mappings

We will also enable "Premigration assessment". Select all of them. For this I will also create an S3 bucket and IAM role that will be used by DMS to upload the report. Create the following role, bucket and policy in Terraform.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "dms-reports" {
  bucket = "dms-reports-371284712893"

resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "dms-reports" {
    bucket =
    policy = jsonencode({
        Version = "2012-10-17"
        Statement = [ {
        Effect = "Allow"
        Principal = { AWS = aws_iam_role.dms-premigration-role.arn }
        Action = "s3:PutObject"
        Resource = "${aws_s3_bucket.dms-reports.arn}/*"
        } ]

resource "aws_iam_role" "dms-premigration-role" {
    name = "dms-premigration-role"
    assume_role_policy = jsonencode({
        Version = "2012-10-17"
        Statement = [ {
            Effect = "Allow"
            Principal = { Service = "" }
            Action = "sts:AssumeRole"
        } ]

# For convenience. Bucket name must start with `dms-`. Otherwise provide your
# own policy.
resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "dms-premigration-policy" {
    role       =
    policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonDMSRedshiftS3Role"

Now the premigration assessment should run. If not, then try selecting the newly created task in AWS Console and running it manually from Actions menu. After the assessment is done, you will see the results inside the details of migration task in the Premigration Assessments tab. More detailed information about the assessment is uploaded to S3 bucket in JSON format.

Premigration assessments

Premigration results

Premigration results in S3

That's a bummer. We have some errors that seem quite significant. After all, should we also migrate all the system tables such as mysql, performance_schema, etc? Let's try to exclude them by using Table Mapping rules from task definition. The new rules should look like this. All schema tables, mysql and sys will not be in scope of this migration task.

New mapping rules

Redo the assessment. Now we can start the task without any worries. Select the task and click "Restart/Resume". The progress should go up.

Replication worked

The data was definitely copied as we can see by logging in into the target MySQL instance. However, the procedure was not copied. This requires either manual intervention or doing some magic with the rules and trying to extract it from mysql or information_schema.

Let's test CDC. Log in into MariaDB, insert a record and see if it was replicated to MySQL.

$ mysql -umariadb -p'xxxxyyyy'
MariaDB [(none)]> USE gamers; INSERT INTO players(name) VALUES ('DominoJachas');

Database changed
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.004 sec)
MariaDB [gamers]> \q
$ mysql -umysql57 -p'aabbbbbaaababaab'
MySQL [(none)]> USE gamers; SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5\G

Database changed
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  id: 4947
name: DominoJachas
*************************** 2. row ***************************
  id: 4946
name: Marita

Aurora Read Replica

We see that our new record was copied, hooray! Now we can create a read replica from that will be using Aurora engine.

Create Aurora read replica

Current replica structure

Log in to the Aurora instance by copying any of the endpoint in AWS Console. Use the same credentials as for MySQL.

$ mysql -umysql57 -p'aaaaababbaba'
MySQL [gamers]> USE gamers; SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  id: 4947
name: DominoJachas
*************************** 2. row ***************************
  id: 4946
name: Marita
*************************** 3. row ***************************
  id: 4945
name: Frederique

Exit this session and insert another record on MariaDB. Log back to Aurora and see the replication.

$ mysql -umariadb -p'xxxxxyyyyyxyxyx'
MariaDB [(none)]> USE gamers; INSERT INTO players(name) VALUES ("TytusBomba"), ("ChorazyTorpeda"), ("SebekBak");
Database changed
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.004 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
$ mysql -umysql57 -p'aaaaababbaba'
MySQL [(none)]> USE gamers; SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5;
Database changed
| id   | name           |
| 4950 | SebekBak       |
| 4949 | ChorazyTorpeda |
| 4948 | TytusBomba     |
| 4947 | DominoJachas   |
| 4946 | Marita         |

The replication is still in place. Now it's time to promote Aurora to standalone database. This is the point when you require necessary downtime, so no new records are added into MariaDB. We can repeat the process to ensure that after inserting more records to MariaDB, they won't be replicated to Aurora anymore.

Promote Aurora Cluster

Aurora promoted

$ mysql -umariadb -p'xxxxxyyyyyxyxyx'
MariaDB [(none)]> USE gamers; INSERT INTO players(name) VALUES ("Michalek");
Database changed
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.004 sec)
MariaDB [gamers]> SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5;
| id   | name           |
| 4951 | Michalek       |
| 4950 | SebekBak       |
| 4949 | ChorazyTorpeda |
| 4948 | TytusBomba     |
| 4947 | DominoJachas   |
$ mysql -umysql57 -p'aaaaababbaba'
MySQL [(none)]> USE gamers; SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5;
Database changed
| id   | name           |
| 4950 | SebekBak       |
| 4949 | ChorazyTorpeda |
| 4948 | TytusBomba     |
| 4947 | DominoJachas   |
| 4946 | Marita         |


Q: Why not just use DMS or mysqldump directly from MariaDB to Aurora? A: Yes.

That way we can try multiple things at once - replicating with DMS and creating read replicas.